Young Voices in the News (July 16th-31st)

Check out the work of our Contributors as they get published in Bitcoin Magazine, Orange County Register, Houston Chronicle, American Spectator, Deseret News, and more!


Deseret News: "Western Rangelands are Overpopulated with Wild Horses. Let's Spread the Word about Horse Adoption" by Madison Yablanski

American Thinker: "Reining in the Administrative State" by Ryan Silverstein

American Spectator: "Destroying Our Criminal Justice System" by Alex Xenos

Houston Chronicle: "What Texas A&M Needs — Really, Really Needs — in its Next Chancellor" by Gary Frankel

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute: "To Boost Attendance and Outcomes, Pay Students, Not Systems" by Cooper Conway and Gary Frankel

Bitcoin Magazine: "As D.C. Adopts Sound Money Principles, States Must Continue to Lead" by Niklas Kleinworth

RealClearWorld: "Trump’s Unconventional Approach Might Be the Key To Ending the Ukraine War" by Lulia Lupse

Free the People: "Small Government Can Prevent Political Violence" by Alex Rosado

RealClearPublicAffairs: "In Murthy Ruling, SCOTUS Leaves Room for Congress, President to Protect Free Speech" by Matthew Cookson

American Spectator: "Critics of Lolita Need to Learn How to Read Fiction" by Peter Biles

Orange County Register: "California’s High-Risk Dashboard is gone without a trace but should not be forgotten" by Andrew Davenport

The Political Insider: "Grants Pass Demands Response from Religious Communities" by Jarrett Lash


Nathaniel Ogunniyi on GB News

Harrison Griffiths on Times Radio

Frances Floresca's Fox News Radio Tour

Nathaniel Ogunniyi on GB News

Issac Willour on Scripps News

Juan Villasmil on The News Forum Daily

Juan Villasmil on The WILS Morning Wake-Up

Noah Khogali on Times Radio

Juan Villasmil on Chicago's Morning Answer