Young Voices Shattered Another Record


Applications for Young Voices' spring programs for rising pro-liberty communicators closed at the end of last month. I'm excited to share that we once again shattered our previous record. We received:

  • 188 applications to our Contributor Program, 20 more than our previous record broken in May. Come January, accepted writers will learn the fundamentals of opinion journalism and begin submitting articles to our whip-smart team of professional editorial team for publication in major media outlets across the United States. The best and brightest will also be pitched our for TV, radio, and public speaking opportunities, spreading the message of liberty to millions.
  • 236 applications to our newly launched European Fellowship, blowing pastevery previous program record for applications. We were were not expecting this level of interest outside the U.S., but the numbers go to show what a strong brand awareness and positivereputation Young Voices has around the world for finding the best rising talent and accelerating careers.

In total, we received a whopping 424 applications to our spring programs. The numbers speak for themselves: Young Voices is in greater demand now more than ever before.

The timing could not be better. New voices for freedom are desperately needed. From the illiberalism infecting college campuses to government waste and abuse, Young Voices is on the front lines of the media fighting for limited government and individual rights.

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Casey Given

Executive Director

Young Voices